The Show Una Saga Serbica

The beauty of the Balkans, its history, heritage, culture and above all, its dances are an infinite source of inspiration for many artists. By combining steps, words, notes, colors and people, we came up with the idea to create a new perspective of the local culture  thus showing, in a unique way, the beauty of past times.
The dance troupe Una Saga Serbica  show, through play, music, costumes, set design, serves as a time vacuum that will generate a new tradition.


Una Saga Serbica: Spoj tradicije i plesa

Lepota Balkana, njegova istorija, nasleđe, kultura a nadasve njegove igre neiscrpan su izvor inspiracije mnogih umetnika. Povezujući korake, reči, note, boje i ljude, došli smo na ideju da stvorimo jedan nov ugao gledanja na kulturu ljudi sa ovih prostora i time prikažemo, na jedinstven način, svu lepotu vremena koje je za nama.
